
ThegoalofthistutorialistodemonstratethepowerofOpenvSwitchflowtables.ThetutorialworksthroughtheimplementationofaMAC-learningswitch.,ThecurrentreleaseofOpenvSwitchsupportsthefollowingfeatures:Standard802.1QVLANmodelwithtrunkandaccessports.NICbondingwithorwithoutLACP ...,Features;LinkaggregationthroughtheLinkAggregationControlProtocol(LACP,IEEE802.1AX-2008);Trafficpolicingatthelevelofvirtualmachi...

Open vSwitch Advanced Features

The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the power of Open vSwitch flow tables. The tutorial works through the implementation of a MAC-learning switch.

What Is Open vSwitch?

The current release of Open vSwitch supports the following features: Standard 802.1Q VLAN model with trunk and access ports. NIC bonding with or without LACP ...

Open vSwitch

Features ; Link aggregation through the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP, IEEE 802.1AX-2008) ; Traffic policing at the level of virtual machine interface ... Overview · Features

openvswitchovs: Open vSwitch

The current release of Open vSwitch supports the following features: Standard 802.1Q VLAN model with trunk and access ports; NIC bonding with or without LACP on ... Ovs-advanced.rst · Files · Releases · NEWS

Understanding Open vSwitch: Part 1 | by Özcan Kasal, Ph.D.

Open vSwitch (OVS) is an open-source, multilayer virtual switch designed to enable efficient networking within virtualized environments.

Open vSwitch

Open vSwitch supports most of the features you would find on a physical switch, providing some advanced features like RSTP support, VXLANs ...


Open vSwitch supports the following features: Visibility into inter-VM communication via NetFlow, sFlow(R), IPFIX, SPAN, RSPAN, and GRE-tunneled mirrors. LACP ...

The amazing new observability features of Open vSwitch

This post will break down the new features added to OVS, when those features are useful for troubleshooting and how to consume them.